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2025 MCAS-Alt
All manuals and Resource Guides are posted to the Department's MCAS-Alt Resources page:
■  Checking for Completeness open Checking for Completeness PDF document in new window or tab
■  ELA–Reading | Informational Text Supplemental List open ELA-Reading Informational Text Supplemental List PDF document in new window or tab
■  ELA–Reading | Literary or Informational Text open ELA-Reading Literary or Informational Text PDF document in new window or tab
■  MCAS-Alt Skills Survey open MCAS-Alt Skills Survey PDF document in new window or tab
■  Glossary of Mathematic Terms open document in new window or tab
■  STE Planning Guide and Links to High-Quality Units open document in new window or tab
■  Assisting Students with Assignments: A Guide for Parents open Assisting Students with Assignments PDF document in new window or tab download Assisting Students with Assignments Microsoft Word file
Document for parents also available in the following languages:
◻  Arabic open Assisting Students with Assignments (Arabic) PDF document in new window or tab
◻  Crioulo open Assisting Students with Assignments (Crioulo) PDF document in new window or tab
◻  Haitian Creole open Assisting Students with Assignments (Haitian Creole) PDF document in new window or tab
◻  Portuguese open Assisting Students with Assignments (Portuguese) PDF document in new window or tab
◻  Somali open Assisting Students with Assignments (Somali) PDF document in new window or tab
◻  Spanish open Assisting Students with Assignments (Spanish) PDF document in new window or tab